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Help Bring A One-Of-A-Kind Man Grooming Haven to Pomona!

We’ve got the place and now it’s the time to build this one-of-a-kind man grooming haven in Downtown Pomona! I thought to myself, "If the community would pitch in to what we already have, imagine how much more amazing we can make this place for our future customers?" The Social Cut is a place where a guy can come to enjoy a good cup of coffee, get a great haircut, get his clothes tailored or just come in and hang out with friends over coffee. The beauty of our business is that you can get well-groomed from head-to-toe all under one roof instead of running all over town.

We want everyone supporting The Social Cut to feel as a part of what we’re doing, to feel at home and to be able to walk into The Social Cut and say, “We helped build this place, this is our place”. So check out our supporter pledge packages, there's a pledge level for everyone. In addition to standard services, our supporters can get their names added to The Social Cut appreciation wall. And we have some pretty nice incentives added to our pledge levels that’ll definitely make it worth your while!

So join us in building this one-of-a-kind place by pledging to one of our supporter levels. You’ll be glad you were with us since the beginning!


Don't forget to follow me on social media for daily grooming tips and style advice! INSTAGRAM: TheSocialCut TWITTER: TheSocialCut YOUTUBE: The Social Cut FACEBOOK: The Social Cut SNAPCHAT: thesocialcut For questions or inquiries:

Until Next Time, Gents!

Steve A. Nuñez

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